Saturday, October 15, 2005

The Story Behind Candy Jasper

It was discovered about 3 miles off the coast of Madagascar under the ocean. The miners have to take small boats, like bass boats, out during the receding tide and wait for the boats to sink on the ocean floor. Then they fill the boats up with as much of the Candy Jasper as they can and wait for the incoming tide to ship the rock back to shore. Because of the unusual circumstances involving this unique gem, only limited amounts will be available as they can only do this mining process for about 4 -6 months (or less ) of the year due to monsoons and weather.

We have tumbled several batches ourselves and we can't keep it in the store as it takes an incredible shine.

Here's how to polish it:
Run it in the step 1 coarse grit for 1-2 cycles. We like ours well rounded so we run it for 1 week then change it all out and start it over again in the step 1. Then do it the same as you would any other agate. Make sure you put the plastic pellets in with the polish.

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