Friday, October 07, 2011

P.E.T.R.® Our acronym is for People for the Ethical Treatment of Rocks

Yes this is really an organization.  One that I just started, today.

Our acronym is for People for the Ethical Treatment of Rocks.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Rocks(PETR) is the largest rock rights organization in the world, with more than 2 members and supporters. 

PETR focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of rocks suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: on factory smelters, in the clothing trade, in laboratories, and in the entertainment industry. We also work on a variety of other issues, including the cruel mining of minerals, geologic formations, and other "geologic oddities" as well as cruelty to domesticated rocks. 

PETR works through public education, cruelty investigations, research, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement (currently neither of our memebers are celebrities), and protest campaigns.

Our Expeditions are designed to educate people on how to ethically collect rocks and minerals.

We have been given a special opportunity to collect rare Bixbyite crystals associated with topaz on October 22nd.  This is not to our typical collecting site at the Solar Wind Claim but about 25 feet below it. See how the professionals mine this treasure and collect your own (ethically of course). 

Worldwide, bixbyite is rare.  Crystals of bixbyites up to, but not larger than 4mm, are found in less than a dozen sites around the world.  The Solar Wind Claim produces crystals up to 30mm (1.25 inches)! Often associated with brown topaz (now nearly extinct breed mostly due to overharvesting). 

We will be liberating these crystals, with the appropriate hand tools, from their cruel captivity all day and preserving them in special wrapping so they can be transported home safely. 

All our mining of domesticated rocks at this location will be done with complete respect to the rocks and the geologic surroundings.  No rocks will be tortured in this process (except the ones that get broken, we do exclude Matrix and Leverites from our Ethical standards). 

If you bring in your finds to the rock shop laboratory we will be glad to clean them for you using methods that are proven to be safe on the rocks.  We do not do harmful experiments or testing on any rocks or minerals (except for those that get trimmed).  All our chemicals are rock friendly and safe (No More Tears® for these rocks).

We believe in treating all rocks and rock formations in this respectful manner.  Join us on any of our expeditions and find the same results. 

We are currently looking for more celebrities (any) to get involved.  If you attended our last rock shop show in September you would have meet BaROCK Obama, J.D. ROCKerfeller, Orin Porter ROCKwell, Norman ROCKwell, The King of ROCK (Elvis), and ROCKy. 

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